Why does your business need to implement a robust finance Data Migration process?
A solid strategy can improve corporate performance and deliver competitive data management advantages.

Transferring data requires identifying, extracting, preparing and then converting the data, without any loss. With the right tools and expertise, data migration need not be a risky, expensive or laborious process.
Before starting your data migration, keep our top 5 tips in mind:
1. Plan
Make sure you plan (early!) by engaging key stakeholders from across the organisation, including data controllers, data processors and not forgetting data users.
2. Keep it safe
Keep security at the forefront of all decisions. Ensure you maintain adequate governance and implement robust controls to meet the latest data regulations.
3. Be prepared
Perform a pre-migration evaluation and identify any potential risks and how to mitigate them.
4. Choose carefully
Take your time choosing the right migration strategy and tools to meet your needs, whether on-premise or cloud-based.
And saving the best until last...
5. Test, Retest and Test again!
It minimises service disruption during the transition process. Simulating reconciliations will ensure more complete and accurate data.
Overall, preparation is key to successfully implement data migration. Make sure you set your business objectives clearly before starting, and invest time and resources in understanding your mapping and how you can re-create it in the new environment.