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A Sneak Peak: A Mastermind of Global Business

Let Your Business Decide with Absolute Confidence.

How difficult is it to gain insights and advice to launch and operate a business? Delinian makes it much easier. Delinian empowers businesses from various industries to make decisions with absolute confidence. They have financial expertise in many sectors, such as aviation, banking, talent development, and so much more. One of the key factors that enable their extensive collection of experiences and expertise is Delinian’s diverse portfolio of companies.

Finance Recording and Forecasting, Reimagined.

We’re proud to support Delinian’s ambitions to be the backbone of even more businesses worldwide by streamlining Delinian’s financial data using OneStream, an intelligent SAP system tool. Given the scale of Delinian’s multi-national operations, a smart and automated platform is crucial for gaining valuable insights to inform forward-looking directions. With the introduction of OneStream, we unified data recording, budgets, and forecasting into a single platform, allowing leaders at Delinian to get a grasp with significant improvement on efficiency.

Evolving and Thriving Through Changes. 

Delivering financial change projects at a global and multi-national business scale is no easy task. We provide comprehensive guide on risk assessment, security evaluation and User Acceptance Testing (UAT) to make these tremendous tasks executable. Our experiences allow us to find timely solutions within your resources if our assessed risks have turned into actual problems.

What we did:

  • Enabled smooth data integration and automation by our managed services package. From assigning the right responsibilities, identifying defects to implementing an efficient and practical timeline.


  • Streamlined corporate financial systems from multiple separate platforms, to interactive and automative data management platform OneStream. Enhancing Delinian’s efficiency in all aspects, from bookkeeping to forecasting.


  • Provided an intense level of tracking in project management. Worked closely with Delinian leadership to ensure continuous and relentless progress in delivering on-time change. Provided key metrics such as project completion rates, budget burn rates, and people planning.

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